How to bot in Old-school runescape using Storm Bot Client
Welcome to the Storm Bot Client tutorial, where we introduce you to the functionalities and processes of using the Storm software. In this guide, we'll explore what Storm is, how to use it, and answer some common questions about subscriptions and pricing.
Storm Bot Client is one of the most popular bot client providers, with over 850 active subscribers. It offers a wide range of high-quality plugins and is known for its exclusive features, such as the full Inferno script and the new Colosseum boss. Recognized for its speed, Storm promptly updates all plugins following in-game updates and swiftly addresses any bugs that arise.
To access the client and plugins, you need a Storm Access subscription. Here's a step-by-step guide to get started:
Login to the Website: First, log in at Storm's website using your Discord account.
Purchase Credits: If you haven't already, purchase credits at Storm Credits.
Purchase Storm Access: Use your credits to buy Storm Access at Storm Shop. Purchasing Storm Access grants you 3 sessions. Additional sessions can be purchased at the shop.
Download the Client: After purchasing Storm Access, download the client from the designated download link provided.
Authorize via Discord: Log in with your Discord account to authorize yourself in the client.
Jagex Launcher Compatibility: Storm supports Jagex Accounts, and you can use it with the Jagex Launcher.
Here are detailed steps to configure the Storm client and use its features effectively:
Plugin Configuration: After purchasing a plugin, open the Storm Client and navigate to the configuration settings to configure your plugin. Each plugin may have a different configuration process.
Interaction Methods: There are three types of interaction methods available—Invoke, Mouse events, and Packets. Choose the method that suits your preference, with Mouse events being the safest in our experience.
Walker Settings: Apply the commonly used walker settings by copying and pasting them from the guide.
Break Handler: To appear less suspicious, use the Storm break handler by searching for it in the client, enabling the plugin, and setting up your preferred break times and intervals.
Subscriptions at Storm are not lifetime—they are based on set durations like daily, weekly, monthly, or even hourly. Your subscription starts immediately upon purchase, not based on in-game time or usage.
To find out how much a specific plugin costs, visit the Storm Shop. Prices vary, so check the options to see which suits you best.
For any further questions regarding Storm client, please refer to the FAQ section or ask in Storm discord channel